Brandon Rial, Artist

Brandon Rial draws influence from the careful examination of life situations and human consciousness in his attempts to paint emotion as he perceives it. His work experiments with layers, texture and light to produce elegant geometric studies. Rial’s creative process draws on self-reflection and meditation, often resulting in the visual representation of feelings and forms that aim to both calm and overwhelm. He works in multiple scales.

Rial’s passion for the arts led to a career in digital media, design, and nonobjective art. He is the founder and creative director of Animorum, a creative communications firm based in Omaha.

b. 1981 (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)

Lives and works in Omaha, Nebraska, USA.


2000 – 2001 University of Nebraska Omaha, College of Communication, Fine Arts, and Media, Fine Arts

2001 – 2002 Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska), Graphic Design


2021 Landlock Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Winter Showcase

2022 Landlock Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Spring Showcase

2022 Landlock Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Brandon Rial and Maria Sullivan Spring Show

2022 Trudy’s, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Treasure Trove

2022 Split Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Landlock Winter Showcase

2022 Blue Barn Theatre, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Holiday Festival of Art

2023 Split Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, BOLD

2023 CAR>GO, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Esto Quod Es


2021 – 2022 Partners for Livable Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Chairman of the Board

2013 – 2023 Animorum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Founder and Creative Director

2004 – 2008 Midlands Business Journal, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, Senior Graphic Artist